Why Should You Use Music Magix as your platform to learn Music and sound?



  • EThe Student’s vision to advance as an artist with a technological approach is all set to take off.
  • EAn unparalleled education system with ZERO-COMPROMISE raises their self-esteem to meet any challenges in life to make their independent living with a sustainable income.
  • ELearning from an experienced professional rather than assigned textbook reading professors.
  • EPortability to work on any DAWs or plugins in the market.
  • EInteractive live sessions with International standards.
  • ERealtime projects
  • EAdvanced Technological Insights
  • ELearning the secrets of Mixing and Mastering with live examples to reach the required commercial standards of your choice.
  • ESecrets of producing the sound and music with industry specs and standards as played in the playlist set by, Apple Music, Spotify, Netflix, Amazon, YouTube, and other OTTs and streaming partners.
  • EOnly essential theories are associated with practical applications and no unnecessary physics or maths.
  • EOne-on-one evaluation of student’s problems.
  • EFirebolt speed workflow on every workspace.
  • EPractical and Factual solutions for all problems and understanding.
  • EClear-cut tables & Step-by-Step workflow on every plugin, DAW to reach your goals in no time.
  • EUndivided attention to students with personal attention.
  • EComplete learning from only the experienced experts.
  • EFuture-proofed with adequate integrated Knowledge, insights, and philosophy.
  • EVery much affordable as compared to any of the international institutes around the world.
  • EMany live Mixing and Mastering sessions from scratch to end.
  • ETop-notch programming tips to speed up your workflow
  • ETop-notch sound synthesis to create a patch in no time.
  • EPractical classes on every facet of learning.
  • E Lack of knowledge in budgeting is the foremost reason why even good musicians and technicians stumble perpetually in their business offers and do not see any growth in their businesses. We educate the Business aspects of Music and Sound to our students for wise planning to deliver the best product and retain their potential clients.
  • EMarketing strategies to strategically close the deals.
  • EMusic Magix students have an unfair advantage of association as an ALUMINI for future training and support absolutely free.